
Here you can find everything concerning:

My work on systemic family constellations, Courses, Training, Lectures,

Travel to Findhorn / Scotland

Write to me at doris@familieopstiller.dk if you need information


International Education in 2021 !!!!

Language: English
in Denmark on Djursland
Program and dates are under preparation 


New book about Constellation Work in English.
(You can order the book on my website link: Bøger)

The book is now available as an e-book!!!

Many people deny their roots or cannot see their importance. But if we ignore our origins we may never be able to free ourselves from the blockages which trap us. It is important to be aware of the importance of our roots. This applies to our family and clan, but also the country and the culture that we come from.
To be able to escape the destructive entanglements many of us have, we have to say yes to our parents and roots, to take them as they are, because we are connected to our entire parents’ family system and the country that we originate from.

Systemic constellations is a method that can be used to find our way back to the power and energy source found in our roots.

This book discusses the method and its most important terms. A series of case studies show some of the entanglements we can be trapped in, and how to resolve them.

content : 160 pages
14.- Pound, 16.- Euro, 220.- dkr, plus postage
can be ordered at: 
Doris Elisabeth Fischer

The book can as well be purchased at the Phoenix shop in Findhorn/Scotland at the Park:
Phoenix Community Store
The Park, Findhorn
Forres IV36 3TZ
phone: (01309) 690 110 (from UK)
phone: +44 1309 690 110 (from outside UK)

Next Workshop

 Open to all !!!! in Danish

 Weekend courses in Djursland/ Denmark

 (Kalkværksvej 8, 8444 Balle)

16./17 november 2019